Sharon Mulligan Sharon Mulligan

Why women should lift weights

“But I don’t want to get big muscles” is what I often hear from females when I talk about strength training or lifting weights. Luckily for us females we aren’t genetically built to get that body builder huge.

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Sharon Mulligan Sharon Mulligan

Stress - How it impacts Fat Loss

There are many different types of Stress, physical, physiological, psycho-emotional, dietary and lifestyle. The first step to managing stress is understanding what stressors you are exposed to.

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Sharon Mulligan Sharon Mulligan

Why Sleep is important

When it comes to health, sleep is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet. Poor sleep patterns are linked to weight gain. The effect of sleep on weight gain is believed to be mediated by numerous factors, including hormones and motivation to exercise.

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Nutrition Sharon Mulligan Nutrition Sharon Mulligan

Health benefits of dark chocolate

I recently shared a photo of what the inside of my fridge looks like and most of the the comments were “Is that 8 bars of dark chocolate?“. And the answer was, yes it very much is. So I’ve decided to list some of the amazing health benefits of dark chocolate.

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