Getting the right help can be life changing, and I’ve experienced this myself.
I was a very sporty kid when I was growing up in Ireland and to this day, football is one of my great loves. When I was 19 I was seriously injured in a car accident, and was told I would never play Gaelic Football again. I left home to go to university and embraced the student lifestyle. For me, this meant no exercise, a lot of drinking and way too much junk food.
A few years later I decided to try getting back to football. I joined a gym and hired a professional to show me what to do. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and it completely turned my life around.
It’s this experience that made me want to become a personal trainer: to help people overcome obstacles, whether it be learning to train in the gym, recovering from injuries, losing weight or simply building their confidence in themselves.
A lot of this comes from learning to better understand your body and yourself.
Fifteen years on I still have my own coach. Being mentored by someone else means I can continue to develop as a personal trainer for my own clients.
I’ve become an expert in many aspects of health and fitness including strength and conditioning, weight loss, nutrition, body transformation and rehabilitation.
With this experience, I know that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t work.
Finding time to exercise and look after ourselves is often challenging. That’s why getting help from a professional will not only save you time, energy, but also money.
My passion is getting the best out of my clients. I’ll hold you accountable, help you reach your goals, and celebrate the wins along the way.
So if you’re looking for a new approach to life and exercise, get in touch. I would love to hear from you.